Homelessness Prevention
Renaissance prevents homelessness in Chicago by providing short term, emergency funds to people at risk of losing their homes. We provide payment vouchers for urgent financial hardships, such as car repairs or unexpected medical bills, which could result in missed rent payments and end in homelessness.

Permanent Supportive Housing
Renaissance Social Services partners with landlords across Chicago to provide safe and affordable housing for its participants. Along with housing, participants receive a range of supportive services to help them stabilize and move towards the greatest degree of autonomy possible.

Street Outreach
As a partner in the City of Chicago's Flexible Housing Pool (FHP), Renaissance conducts Street Outreach to engage with chronically homeless individuals and families targeted for housing by the FHP. Street Outreach staff build trust with those on the street and in shelters and assist them in getting enrolled in the FHP and into housing.

Rapid Re-Housing
The Rapid Re-Housing program focuses on helping individuals who have become homeless but are capable of returning to housing independence with short-term housing and support services from Renaissance. The program provides short-term housing and intensive case management that focuses on building individuals' strengths so that they can quickly return to self-stability and housing independence.
Our Programs

What We Do
At Renaissance, our aim is to prevent homelessness among those who are at risk and help build stronger communities by fostering residential stability. We find safe and secure housing, linked with supportive services, to help our participants build self-sufficiency and lead healthier lives.

Hospital Engagement Program
The Hospital Engagement Program, located in the North Lawndale community on Chicago’s West Side, supports homeless adults following their discharge from our partner, Mount Sinai Hospital. Specially trained team members provide recovery support services, housing placement assistance, and connection to resources to help participants break the cycle of ill-health and homelessness.

Support Services
Renaissance maintains ongoing relationships with participants to ensure they are able to stay in their homes. This includes helping them to acquire mainstream benefits (SNAP, TANF, SSI, etc.), manage public transportation, find employment, learn how to maintain their homes (including paying rent, cooking, cleaning, and managing conflicts), create and manage budgets, and gain support for their children's education.

Nursing Home Diversion Services
Renaissance has opened a new Nursing Home Diversion housing program for adults here in Chicago. Housing and support services are provided so that adults that have experienced a mental health crisis can remain in a community-based setting as they prepare to transition to longer-term, permanent community-based housing. While living in this housing, residents receive support services to address their health, recovery, and community engagement needs.

Health Services
To help participants move towards the greatest degree of stability possible, Renaissance provides critical behavioral health services. Through Community Support Services the agency's clinical case managers work with participants to help them understand and address behavioral health issues that are impediments in their lives. This includes Harm Reduction, Trauma Informed Care, and Recovery Support Services.
Primary healthcare needs are addressed through partnerships with RUSH University System for Health and other community partners to provide home visiting nursing services. These services provide health assessments, health education, wound care, vaccinations, and other preventative health services.

On-Site Services for Affordable Housing Developers
Renaissance has more than 25 years of experience in the provision of on-site case management and supportive services to residents in affordable housing developments. Renaissance has expertise in:
• meeting the needs of homeless individuals and families
• delivering Housing First, Harm Reduction, and Low Barrier housing models
• providing behavioral health and stabilization services
• serving IHDA-funded housing developments
• serving returning citizens
To learn more, please contact Michael Banghart, Executive Director, at mbanghart@rssionline.org.